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[Whiz Pill Podcast 64] Branding & Peer To Peer Marketing Masterclass Consultation With Nataniah Colucci

[Whiz Pill Podcast 64] Branding & Peer To Peer Marketing Masterclass Consultation With Nataniah Colucci

This is a conversation transcript & audio archive with Nataniah, a Florida based Designer & Artist encountered on Twitter (Now X).

The session was hosted on Discord, you can listen live by joining our Whiz Pill server.

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A few bullet points covered in the discussion.

  • Graphic Designer Background: The speaker is a graphic designer with experience working for nonprofits, art galleries, and community centers. They emphasize designing to help people while also creating aesthetically pleasing work.

  • Portfolio Availability: The speaker has a portfolio available for review and offers to send it via Instagram DMs.

  • Freelance Work and Email Usage: All freelance work is managed through a primary email, though the speaker plans to create a separate email for a new brand they are developing.

  • Website Details: The website has been up since 2021 and features subtle animations. It serves as a central place for traffic and conversion, emphasizing the importance of owning one's online space.

  • SEO Strategy: Effective SEO involves backlinking, especially from platforms like Reddit, LinkedIn, and Facebook. These platforms help boost search engine rankings without excessive gimmicks.

  • Facebook Monetization: Facebook allows content creators to earn revenue from videos, and tipping is possible in the comments, similar to TikTok. Despite the speaker's disinterest in Facebook, they acknowledge its potential for revenue generation.

  • Inclusive Branding for Gym Content: The speaker aims to create a friendly, welcoming, and fun brand for gym-goers, moving away from the traditional, intimidating "ooh-rah" gym culture that can alienate some audiences.

  • Brand Development Plans: The speaker has purchased a domain for their new brand, currently featuring an "opening soon" screen. They plan to start a new Instagram page for the brand while leveraging their existing account for initial promotion.

  • Cross-Platform Strategy: The recommendation includes setting up a Facebook page linked to the brand's Instagram to automate cross-posting and maximize reach. This strategy also helps in monetizing content and building brand awareness.

  • Community Engagement: The speaker plans to engage with local running clubs and cycling groups, both in person and online. This approach aims to build a community around the brand and leverage local connections for growth.



Cool. So everything that you say or do will be transcribed automatically and also there will be an audio version. Okay. So first thing off the bat, if you could give me a little bit of insight in terms of who you are, what you do and where your interests lie and we can kind of take this thing from there. Yeah, I am. I'm a designer. I work in graphic design.


Currently, honestly, since I've started working, I've worked for nonprofits. I started working for an art gallery and I work for a community center. I really like to design in a way that helps people. But I also like just making things pretty. This is kind of one of those projects where I kind of just want something to be pretty. That's about it when it comes to this.


Yeah, I have a portfolio if you want to look at that. Send me that through my Instagram DMs. Out of curiosity, by the way, that email, is it the one that you use entirely to run your business, essentially? Because I've noticed you've been doing the whole media photography thing for a while as well. Yeah, all of my freelance work is through that.


I think this thing is going to grow into its own brand, so I'm going to probably create its own email and everything. But yeah, this is what I use for all my freelance work. Website solid. I dig the little animatic going on in the background. It's very subtle, but it's not overbearing. How long have you had this website up? So probably 20...


21 probably. Okay, so a good three years. A good almost three four years even I would say. So this is really good actually because from like a traffic perspective like converting people from a place that you actually own it's like your own little turf of the internet, you know, that's really gonna be the most important part. Okay. So


Because not to bore you too much with the technical details, but the whole SEO game that people like to talk about, a lot of it honestly comes down to back linking. And essentially what this process boils down to is having links that point back to, in this case, your domain, which would be your website, and referencing that website in full, whether it's like your name


what you do on that website as a service and basically just spam them as many places as you can but still being strategic about it. What I've noticed on my end is that places that really get you up in the SEO ranking without having to do too much gimmicking, that will be Reddit, that will be LinkedIn, and then if I recall correctly that will be Facebook as well.


Yeah, Facebook surprisingly, it's still a sleeper. I was doing a session with someone not too long ago and basically they're like a full-time content creator type and somehow they're able to pull like a good 10K of revenue off of Facebook videos alone. Cause I don't know if you're aware, but you can pay people for videos on Facebook now, apparently. That's weird. Oh yeah, this is like its own.


world like granted i'm not i'm not big into facebook i kind of lost interest in the platform but i still stayed savvy about like what it's useful for and a lot of these channels i call them channels typically because that's usually the best way i can picture everything but yeah like a lot of these like channels what they do they'll have like something that features maybe like a dog video or like wedding stuff or just


the whole inspiration porn type of content where it's like, you can do this, like blah, blah, blah. Like, yeah, people can tip you in the comment section the same way you can tip people on TikTok as well. So it's interesting that they brought that over. But also, yeah, technically speaking, if whatever you have is your own content, meaning that like you either edited it yourself or you shot it yourself, you can actually put it in there as like a full, it's own video.


every time people watch it you actually get a cut from the revenue that Facebook makes. So whoever still uses Facebook you know they definitely have a gig with them going on. Yeah.


Okay, so the graphic design tab specifically is currently where I'm on and


Okay. These were client projects or just stuff you just did to showcase what you were able to do?


Yeah, so now you're finally taking out those superpowers and putting them into your own back pocket. I remember you showed me a little bit of the logo from before, but I'm very curious, what is it exactly that led you to pick that niche, besides your familiarity with the old-fashioned world thing? I just...


know that a lot of the gym world is filled with such a limited perspective. It's all very like, ooh-rah, you know? It's just very Chad. And I feel like it alienates a lot of the female audience or people who are new to fitness. I think that harsh branding, that harsh tone of voice kind of kills the vibe. To someone that's scared of the gym, I mean the gym's scary.


And I wanted something that's friendly and welcoming and warm and fun.


Okay. So what I'm noticing of the back, pretending to the branding choice you've made with the orange and the little B thing. Is this going to be like the profile picture? And basically, is it going to be like the first thing that people see every time they search up this brand? Yeah.


Do you have a website that's apparently up that's intended to advertise or self-serve as a placeholder for this brand yet? I've purchased the domain. There's nothing on it except like a... a... opening soon screen. Okay. Yeah. It's... Oh, I mean... It's buff... Hold on. It's buff...




Yeah, so everything looks good so far. So like my question is, are you intending to do this from your main Instagram page that I know you from, or are you going to start like a whole brand new one from scratch? Um, I will start a whole new one, but I definitely want to start advertising locally, um, with a lot of, with mine, my account probably.


Yeah, because you definitely already have the reach. So I'm not using it as a way to at least get something locked in definitely can help. But to be honest, assuming the objective is to really organically let things settle into themselves and basically grow this over time, because it'll take time like everything else.


Personal best recommended way to go about this would be to Essentially besides the website to to set up a whole brand new Facebook page Yeah For that brand specifically and then link that to the Instagram page because what it's gonna do for you on the front end It's got every time you post on that Instagram page. It's going to automatically send that back


to the Facebook page on the back end. So you don't even have to be logged in there to be able to reap the benefit of someone picking you out. Because gym content, broadly speaking, is one of those easily accessible types of contents out there because you don't even need to be a gym rat to want to consume it. You're just someone that happens to see it. And if you like what you see, you like it, then it's gonna serve you more and more of that, basically.


Mm-hmm. So definitely take advantage of that. But also from a revenue perspective of the bad as well, it's definitely something you can take advantage of from a brand awareness perspective. Because once you get your apps in and post about what it is you're doing with that brand or who it's intended for, you can basically start to monetize that as it's shown.


has its own content as well. And I've seen a lot of people do that. Like typically people will have like a dedicated time or I guess day in some instances where all they post about is like the brand, which is basically intended to be the marketing for it. But then every other day they'll just post about, you know, what they do and the background and the behind the scenes, whether it's, you know, the design that they come up with or


their ability to reach certain target demographics in terms of their ideal customers, or even people who essentially use that downtime to get to know more of the community that's going around that brand itself. I'm actually going to look up someone right now that's specifically, Anna is doing what you're seeking to do, but they have a whole, they serve a more wider


audience of people. So let me jump over to Instagram.


I have so many save posts. Me too. That's what made me this good at what I do man. Like every time I see something interesting I'm like, hmm, like I'm just gonna keep that in there and come back to it later. You never know. Yeah. Let's see here. I know I didn't see it. There we go. I found her. So I just sent


the account to your Instagram. So go on over there real quick and check it out. Give me some of your first impressions about it.


She's very... Very what? Pepe.


Yeah, so from what I understand, the person who started this brand slash, I guess you could say shop, technically, because this is not just a brand. This is a natural shop you can actually buy from. Like a lot of what they were doing, a lot of what they were doing, they used the main traction that they were getting from their main account. And a lot of that actually came from TikTok because that's us. But TikTok is like its own thing that


We definitely can get into later, but essentially they converted the audience that they were acquiring in TikTok and slowly build that up into its own separate Instagram page from then they proceeded to funnel the, the following from there into like the separate clothing brand. Um, and I don't know if this one specifically has a Facebook page attached to it.


But I wouldn't be surprised if it does because it definitely exemplifies what I'm talking about. As you can see on that page, it's not just like a wall of ads, basically, where it's like, oh, buy now, buy now. It's really a bunch of people hanging out wearing the thing that I'm assuming she made herself. And then, yeah, like if you like what you see, you can just buy from there. Also, the other benefit with TikTok in case you were too late to the hype train at the time.


You can actually shop directly from TikTok. I don't know if you're aware of that. Yeah, it's like link galore over there. Yeah, basically. So if someone has, I don't know, like their credit card or whatever linked up automatically on their phone, they can basically do a one-stop shop to your thing, assuming that they like it, which is pretty neat. But some people definitely abuse it. Me personally, I just can tell when people are advertising to me, and that's kind of kills the vibe.


So I take a very anti-advertising approach where I'm not going to tell you about the product. I'm definitely going to tell you about even where it is. But what I'm going to do though is basically hit these emotional pain points, as I like to call them, to figure out like, what is it about you, the target audience I'm looking for that resonates with what I'm doing so that as you go on with the process, I can...


A, B test, you know, what's working the best in terms of content to further drive the engagement. Are you following so far? Yeah, yeah. So the page, even though you don't have like that much going over there already for that brand specifically, my first suggestion after that would be to, like I said, set up that Facebook page on the back end and then link it to its own.


separate Instagram page. And then from there, you can basically use the current Instagram that you have set up to get some initial boost coming in by doing collaborator posts. So essentially, the main post is going to sit on that brand account. But then it's going to link to your other account, the site account, as a collaborator post. So that once you open that up, it's going to give the access to the.


current following you have on that page basically. Because 3000 is not, it's nothing to sneeze at. It's definitely something that's gonna signal to the, to the backend algo, oh, hey, like this, there's people here at least, as opposed to just starting from literally zero.


Okay, that makes sense.


Another thing I would mention is, so much about, I mean, might be a hard take here, but so much about fashion to be honest. It's literally just, it's like ice cream. People will have, people will serve you the same flavors, but in different cones. So it's going to come down to you figuring out like what kind of cone you're trying to serve this whole brand in to. So if you were to try and picture, you know, like this.


deal person you're trying to go for, you know, like, what's their age range? What's their size range as well that definitely helps. And also like, what do you picture them doing activity wise? Cause there's a lot of different types of gym activities that someone could do, you know.


Yeah, I also kind of, I want it to be more about the lifestyle and less about the workout. Yes, your goal is to get healthy and these clothes fit into those activities, but I kind of want it more of a lifestyle brand. So I'm in a beach town and I can imagine them hanging out the beach also.


In the gym itself, it's more of a third place, a place of community and being social with each other while working out and getting healthy. That type of content.


I'm sorry? Do you happen to know by chance if there are any running or cycling clubs in your area? There's a ton of running clubs. Okay, so honestly off the bat that would be the main category I would go after. Like in your throughs. I would basically follow maybe five, you know don't go OD with it. Follow five local.


running clubs that you're aware of, and then five other ones that are more international or national in this case, that are in different states. Because what it's gonna do for you at that point, it's gonna prime you at least from the algorithm side on like, okay, this is the kind of stuff I wanna see more of, and it's going to link that to your page and.


Hopefully as you post stuff related to that niche is going to basically set you up to get in there more so that People can see your stuff. So that's number one. That's number one number two is Given that so much of building a brand especially nowadays is kind of come down to connecting with people From like a first-hand basis


I would honestly recommend you to actually touch base with people like in person, like as yourself, not just as like a brain maker, just like show up there. If you can wear your own merch by all means do that, like you never know, people might actually ask you about it. But what it's going to do for you really is as you show up there in person and connect with these people, you can basically either get them to follow you on that brand account specifically that you set up.


Or you can actually do some undergrounds, I guess you could say reconnaissance effort where you get people's information, whether it's their emails, their Instagram pages, or whatever other page that they have set up so that from here you can kind of go back and put together a map of what they're up to online. Not all of them.


will be that active but chances are though those few that are active online especially those that take this whole gym life seriously they definitely can give you like a big boost early on because honestly that that's that's really a lot of like what it boils down to to be honest like a lot of people what i notice is that they'll try and basically blow up quote unquote on the online front


Meanwhile, they don't really know anyone in person already. So you kind of have to go backwards. Like get to know people on the ground first. And then once you get used to what you got going on locally, you can start to put more of that out there on the online front. Because what it's going to do for you, benefits-wise, it's going to signal.


to the algorithm on the back end, like, hey, I got, I'm plugged in with these gym people basically, you know? Yeah, yeah, that makes perfect sense. Yeah, also I would say, I don't know what area specifically you're at, but depending on like the type of data or the type of events going on, you can definitely set yourself up to branch out slightly a little bit to different things.


So you don't have to necessarily exclusively do running clubs. You can actually check out local skating clubs because apparently skating has been really big lately. And I don't mean the regular skateboard thing. I mean like the roller skate thing. Yeah. A lot of these pages really have been like going crazy lately. So if you can check these out, by all means do it because honestly, I'd say if you make, if you make good.


good friends with people that are both in running and also in skating. What you're going to have effectively is just free marketing. Cause all you'll have to do is just dress him up in your brand and tell them to run around wearing it and you can just shoot that as video and post it and you'll be good to go. Okay. Yeah. I'm, I'm East coast. So there's not a ton of skating rink culture here, but there is a lot of long boarding. Um,


So I might, that may fit in there somewhere too. Okay. Oh, lastly, I would recommend as well. You look into shuffling. Uh, you know what that is? Cutting shapes. Yeah. Cause like, cause like, again, like what you say, what you're saying here is that it's definitely more about the lifestyle. So what, what, what that gives you an advantage of is that instead of being like a pure hardcore, like.


chat gym type of account. You can basically say, hey, like if you like to dance, if you like to move, if you like to do just share with your life, guess what? Like I got all this stuff set up for you and you can take advantage of it. So these shuffling accounts, like make no mistakes, man. Like a lot of them, they definitely got the entire Instagram app on lockdown. Like they've been at this for basically since the beginning. Yeah.


It's so funny how the music culture that they're representing kind of grew around the time that the Instagram app itself came out. So it became this like perfect one-to-one relationship. So definitely take advantage of that and don't sleep on it. And again, same as before, literally look up local people that are shuffling. Because what I noticed, one of the easiest ways you can do that in terms of finding local people and what they're up to.


go on the hashtag section of the Instagram app and just scroll around and see who has posted in the last 24 to 48 hours and the best way to do that will be to check out people's stories. So I'm gonna give you like a good example right now actually as a way to kind of do a quick test. So I'm gonna send you a post just at random that I dug up to see like


how we said it was. Let me check.


Okay. Not this one, not this one, not this one either. And this one. Okay, there you go. So this post is skate related. It just got posted. I think it says, yeah, literally less than three minutes ago. Yeah, wow. So if you click on the, on the likes.


is going to show you who recently has liked it. And notice that some of these posts have like a red ring around it. So that lets you know that these people are active online. They're actively posting, they're actively interacting. They're not just passive observers basically, you know? Yeah. And actually after that, like, if I go on this person's account, like I just sent it to you just now, you can see that they're actually like,


content creator themselves. So that could have been the connection right off the bat for you right there, you know what I mean? Yeah.


So that's where this whole idea of like, it's not rocket science comes in. Literally, it's all simple steps. You basically put the reps in and you do over and over again until you go from a few dozen people to a few hundred people to eventually a few thousand. Cause you know, I'm very big on the whole one-to-one relationships types of things. Cause it just...


At least from my perspective, it just bypasses a lot of like the usual nonsense you would typically have to do when you're grinding to build a brand after that. Because even for me right now with the studio, the clientele base I'm getting, like a lot of these guys, they don't find me online. What they actually do is that they'll find someone that I've done work with in the past before. And then they'll put you to check that out and say, yo, like actually dig your stuff. Like, let me, I'll add you real quick.


So that same principle really applies to basically everything else, you know? Mm-hmm. I honestly, personally, I would highly recommend whoever this person is, like to just keep their page like bookmarked somewhere and check them out because like, uh, that, that feel like the kind of person that could potentially be interested into what you're doing, to be honest with you. Yeah, it's almost perfect. No, I mean, literally like, in like two seconds.


Literally like brand ambassador wise, like they have like the total package. I mean, not being selfish or anything, but like I'm actually going to follow them as well for my own purpose because they're local to my area. So, so this is what I mean, man. Like social media, when you, when you use it properly, it actually can be a lot of good for you. Um, it's just a matter of like not letting it.


hijack your senses and that being cut off and the usual nonsense that you typically see especially on twitter that's really the main offender here lowkey like i'll be talking shit about twitter but yeah instagram though i really like the fact that it really lets you know at a glance like who's really active like that um and also a side note when you're following someone for the first time especially on a brand new account it's going to show you like a suggested


for you section on their page and definitely consider following maybe one or two of these pages that make sense for you to follow or whether it's you know a local page or some fashion adjacent page that could be a good fit to your overall marketing plan and yeah build that database of just pages and people you know. Let me know if you have any questions so far before I move on.


I'm just soaking it in. It's like a lot of information. No, you're good. You're good. Like you gotta give it time to soak in. The idea as well of going back to setting up, you know, the backend system for the content distribution and the advertisement for the brand you go about to make.


consider making what's called an Obsidian account, because it's gonna be good for you in two ways. Number one, Obsidian, it's a note-taking app, not too dissimilar from the regular notes app that you probably have on your phone installed right now. The only difference though is that it actually does, it's not that different from the way a website works.


on the front end and back end, actually. You can set up like a system of pages. Say for example, you can have like a page of notes dedicated to, okay, local skaters of insert city here, and everyone who is in that city, or at least comes from that area, you can tag them as such. And then when you go back later to find out like what's currently going on in terms of updates, you can actually go back and click on that.


And it's going to show you all of those people's pages individually. So you can just pick a choice. OK, I'm going to check up that person's page and see what they're up to right now and all that stuff. That's super helpful. OK. Yeah. That's personally how I use it. There is different ways to skin the cat. It's really down to experimentation. But what I like about Obsidian so much personally is that it's very easy.


It's entirely text based. So what that means for me and why it's important for me is that it's basically gonna enable me to save cost on space because I don't have to save stuff on the cloud for one. And for two, the way the linking system works on that application, it actually will say, for example, that person's page that I just showed to you right now, if you copy and paste their profile,


link on that note taking app is going to automatically open up the IG app for you. So it's going to send you there so you don't have to do all the work. So it's pretty cool. Yeah, I'm definitely gonna use that. That's an awesome. That's just great for life management. Yeah, honestly, the way I think about it, to be honest, it's the whole idea of ownership is really one


And unfortunately, when it comes to these social platforms, you own as much as what you see on there. You know, like as soon as your stuff is shut down, guess what? Those DMs are gone. Those contacts are gone. Chances are you barely remember maybe one or two accounts, you know, by name, you know what I mean? Most most people, they'll just like go on their search page and maybe try and guess what that person's name might be. And then from there, kind of scroll around to figure it out.


Whereas, you know, having a system that's like solid off the bat can make it easier for you to figure out what you're looking for. So that if you try to remember who was that skater girl again from whatever area she was from, and then you can kind of go back and search for it. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. For sure. Um, okay. So another thing, speaking of like building that kind of like online and offline network, do you have pitches?


ready like if you were to kind of pitch that this brand to me as like and i'm the influencer here you know like could you give that a shot so i can kind of give a sense of like how good you are at it i i have not thought that's her at all well i guess it's your time to practice now


Take your time, you don't have to like rush to the process. Just like, you know, think about three main things to be honest. It's who is it for, what's your goal is with that brand? And what are you hoping to do with the brand within the year? You know, like in terms of like plans overall, that's really what it is pitching wise. Yeah, it's for the everyday person looking


to improve their fitness and have fun clothes to wear while doing it.


My goal is to provide, at least on the social media side, provide a page that...


It's positive for everybody, no matter what stage of fitness that you're at. And then within the next year, man, I would just like to have products up and running. I'm thinking very small at the moment, but I don't have anything up. So that's where I'm at. Very rough.


Tell me how you feel about it. So first of all, how do I say your name? Because I know different people have different pronunciations. Natanya. OK, Natanya. So yeah, like, hey, my name is Natanya. I've seen that you have been posting a lot of lifestyle content, especially workout content. I happen to own a brand that just launched. We're hoping to distribute.


at least 1000 items of clothing within the next six months and I would like to send you a couple of them for free and you can wear them and basically showcase them on your page if you'd like to do a partnership and give it a try. And if you like what you see, I can send you some more and you can potentially set up an affiliate link. So let me know. You can reach out to me at this email and this phone number. Thank you. Yeah, it's good.


So that's what a basic pitch looks like. You know, it's like to the point you tell people like why are you here, call attention to what you saw or what you know them for on their online page and set up something that could be a potential long-term partnership. And I'm making a point here to draw attention specifically to that part where I said set up an affiliate link, you know.


because what that's going to really come clutch for you specifically is that some of these people, man, like they have a lot of traffic in their link trees. I'm talking like tens of thousands of people. So from their perspective, actually, it is a win-win to set up an affiliate link where for each time that you make a sale, they get a cut, you know what I mean? Yeah. So definitely keep that in your back pocket as a way to


further sell them on the incentive to do a collaboration with you, you know what I mean? Another way you could pitch this whole thing as well could be, hey, my name is Notanya and we're local to the same insert whatever group you can point attention to here and I may have seen you somewhere before. I'll be very freak. Sometimes I'll


I'll basically pull like a lie by omission by saying, by saying, yo, like, I think I might know you from somewhere because I've seen some people I know that I'm aware of follow you, I will typically lead with that. So as to further establish that idea of like, hey, we are proximity, you know what I mean? Because the easiest way that I found.


personally to, especially to sustain longterm collaborators like that. It's like, yeah, like people typically tend to link up with people that they have an idea of what they're up to already. So you can just like name drop a few pages that they either follow or name drop people that you know, for a fact, they know already and say, Hey, like, uh, I found you to this person stuff and keep it at that. And then proceed to go eat your pitch. You know what I mean?


Yeah. So, you know, little, little subtle, simple things that, you know, in practice, definitely is going to take some effort, but definitely keep that in mind. But yeah, like if you could like briefly like spend, you know, the next five minutes or so to kind of like get your pitch down with me as like a practice round, definitely do that because I'm telling you that's going to make or break your brand. I'm not even joking. Like like.


pitching is literally gonna save your ass. Okay.


Whenever you're ready. Yeah. I'm definitely someone that writes it out. So I'm just going to type it out and think through it for a second. Okay.


Okay. Hey, I'm Natanya. I live in Pensacola too. I've started this new brand called Buff Birdies. We're a lifestyle brand and we're really big on gym content. I was wondering if you wanted to try some of the items and if you like it, feel free to post. If not, no worries. But if you do like it, maybe we could connect more and set up a long-term partnership. Okay. So of the bad, I'll point out that


You do, you use a lot of what I call insecure words. And again, I'm not making a jab at you, just picking a job at your pitch. So the digital, if you want the no worries, the, you know, whenever you want, you know, like really be clear on like actionable items, as in show up, say, yo, I got this thing. I want to do this with you on this time.


And if you're available by then, let me know. You know what I mean? Yeah. Essentially being direct, not in the sense of like, you'll like give me money and more. So, yo, like, uh, I got this brand set up and I think you're a potential suitable partner that could help me market it. So yeah, like if you'd like to hop on a brief call with me, uh, reach out to me at this insert information here and there you go.


So give this a quick revision and then try again. Okay. Hey, I'm Natanya. I'm local in Pensacola too. I've started this new brand that I think you'd be a good fit for if, give me a second. Yeah, definitely this, I think. Literally all these words that like, basically they serve us like fellow words. Yeah.


ill like it but like they basically indicate to the person that you're not really in it you know don't have the heart so like put some punch behind it like literally put the the tip for me in these instances you know use active words instead of you know passive words so like the i think the i might just you know these are all passive active words would be more i'm launching or um i'm dropping or


I'm making, you know, these things, you know, that's really lets people know, okay, like you're actually doing this.


Yeah, go ahead. Yeah. Hey, I'm Sonia. I'm local in Pensacola, too. I started this brand called Buff Birdies. It's a gym brand, a lifestyle brand. We're dropping a launch that you can be a part of. I'll give you some free clothing, and you can post about it, and we can continue from there. OK, this is definitely way better. Definitely drop the You Can Post About It. Be more actionable in the sense of by what time frame you would want them to post in.


So that not only they know when they'll receive what you're sending them, but also within what time frame they should be able to post it on there so that they have a sense of whether or not it's going to be suitable for them. Because some people, for all you know, might not be available and they will basically give you a hanging for like another five to six months, which you don't want. Okay, yeah. So that's where this stuff comes in to basically get an idea of like, hey,


who are the people you can do something with the day of versus a week from now, a month from now and so on.


So give this one last try so I can give it a quick. Okay. Hey, I'm Natanya. I'm local in Pensacola too. I started this brand called Buff Birdies at your gym and lifestyle brand. We're dropping a launch that you can be a part of. I'll give you a free hoodie and you can post about it within a month and then we can continue from there. Okay, perfect. So this is definitely the kind of template I would recommend.


experiment with to kind of see which one people are responding to, which one they like, which one they don't like and stuff like that. Because you know, that's really what's gonna let you know and filter out like who are the people who really will be with you in this process you're working on, you know what I mean? Mm-hmm, yeah.


I'm currently on the Maps app trying to like scout out like local areas that are popular. So if you could give me like a whether type out a few of them in the Instagram chat so I can then look them up real quick. I'm trying to assess something real quick. What do you need me to? Send me send me a few places that you know locally that people.


Typically like to go to you know places it could be it could be outdoors It could be a bar anything that's like this like a place that people just go out to spend time in Send me like three of those real quick so I can Okay, and I know there's one downtown Coffee shop that's really popular with like 20 year olds. I'll send that


It's like a big thing down here.


And then probably the beach and then. So what I'm going to do here, the reason why I asked you about this specifically is because it's going to help with reconnaissance to check out. Um, first of all, who potentially might own the place. Cause if you can set up a relationship directly with the person who own these venues, the better for you, to be honest, because you essentially will have like.


direct access to a customer base that's already built in. Where you can eventually set yourself up for a full-blown partnership if you feel like it. And that's actually what a lot of people do, to be honest. It's like people who, there's this girl, I'm gonna send you her page, not in a second, but like her whole thing is that like, she's a gem on it through and through. So what people will do.


they'll reach out to her and say, yo, I got this gym I just launched. Not, not, not gym way, like a literal gym. And they'll tell her, yeah, like, uh, show up there, have a workout or two, you know, in Sonos and tell your followers about it. And you know, like if they come through, they come through and yeah, man, like people, people will be showing the fuck up for that, which actually surprises me. I'm not going to lie because personally, maybe it's just like a virtue of me not being


in this country so I'm not as stored.


Like the whole being advertised to I can pick up on that pretty quickly. So whenever I see stuff like that, I'm like, you know, there's no way I'm going to show up because clearly this person either got paid to be there or it's just a setup overall. And I'm not hating on it. It just it's not my vibe. But what I'm what I'm noticing, though, is that people generally do show up. Like if these people work out someplace and they said they said they like it.


like the next day, like people will actually show up, which is kind of insane to me. So that's where the whole building relationships thing is going to clock in for you, especially because you've done that early on is because you're focused more so on the local connections that you have, as opposed to trying to build up a front of people that you know online of the bat. That's where the real benefit is going to unlock for you so that people


that actually have stuff going on in their day-to-day lives. You can actually tag along and take advantage of it, basically, you know? Yeah, yeah, that makes sense.


Um, hold on a sec. Okay. So this is where we're gonna get into the meat of the whole social media marketing thing. Because again, like these are things that like, I really don't think that is like crazy in terms of like rocket science. But you know what, once you really get down to it and you reverse engineer it, you can really get some stuff locked in. Let me go to this page.


Alright, I think we got blind on here.


Pensacola Beach of Tibet. Okay, looks like a very resorty kind of part of town. It kind of looks like Cinemonic Pier actually. It's similar, but way less busy. Yeah. Oh well. And yeah, like some of these pictures, like basically usually like when it's like, there's no one on there. I don't know what that's about.


But this is a good start. So let me punch down into Instagram real quick, see what we're working with. Thanks, cool.


Okay. So like, I sent you a couple posts and your DMs just now. So you can check these out. Just as like a primer for like the engagement to see what naturally shows up on Instagram. That's actually another thing I would want you to be wary of. Try and think less of trying to gimmick the app itself and more so


think more of like, how do you set yourself up ideally so that when people look something up, you're part of the first batch of things that shows up, or in the best case scenario, you're the first thing that shows up. That's where stuff is really gonna take off for you because from the app's perspective, it's actually beneficial for them to keep pushing you because...


you get them more traffic which then gives them more opportunity to sell more ads so you know it's this win-win I guess you could say partnership you have with them but yeah like yeah a lot of these things it used to be that instagram gave you the option to filter through based on like different types of posts and also how recent they were but now they don't let you do that as much anymore I don't know what that's about but on TikTok you can though


So if you go on TikTok, you can actually search up the hashtag or just the keyword itself. And it's going to show you what's been posted there in the same whatever time frame you're looking for. It is like 24 hours, 48 hours, a week, a month. So you can repeat that same process of figuring out who the locals are and what they're up to. OK. And if you click on the.


I just sent you another thing in the Instagram DMs. So this is a feature I actually use a fuckton because it's not too dissimilar from the Snapchat feature that came out like a long time ago, where basically when you crawl over to the feed, it shows you the most active areas. And this one seems to be really active.


1.1 million posts. So people seem to really love it here. And that's where you can actually see the latest post of what people have been doing. I see a lot of family pictures for whatever reason. But I did clock someone that could be a potential brand collaborator. I'll just send them to you real quick as well. Let's see who else.


Yeah, it's literally all family pics, bro. What the hell? This is giving Facebook 2015. I don't know what's going on here. This is another person. This person plays basketball. This is another one. Oh, this one actually is even better. This person is a musician. So you never know. You never know.


What else we got going on here? Oh, here's another one.


Yeah, like this is the most influencer of out of the bunch for sure. Yeah. Like she got the whole thing going on and she DJs too. Okay. So, so whoever this is, this is someone who clearly likes- Wait, oh my gosh. I know some- okay, cool. I know somebody that follows her. Like that knows her. Then there you go. See? Cool. So, so now, um.


Recapping what we've covered so far just to kind of like again not do deal Information overload thing because it's really sweet. It's really not my style if you were to Give me like three key takeaways you got so far. What would those be? Personal connections that's like the number one Find groups who so like you're talking about the funny


the running clubs, the skating rinks groups of people. And then the Obsidian thing, like the Obsidian app, that's like a game changer for me. Okay, good. So I'm going to do a recap on my inter-general professional memory. I really think what stage you're at in this conversation. So when you're looking at


these accounts that I've shown you so far. Why is it do you think I've been able to find them so quickly? You're honing in on the location and the recent posts. Yeah. So recency is the name of the game. If you were to forget any other things I've said so far and you keep one thing, it would definitely be keep it recent.


anything that has been posted more than 48 hours, forget about it. Don't interact with it. Don't waste your time with that. Don't try and engage with that, you know, because by the time that this person's post has gone up, they've either moved on to something else, or God forbid, they'll basically ignore it altogether, never get back to you. You know what I mean? So, recency from my perspective,


Recency makes a ton of difference and it just so happens that Instagram gives you a lot of tools to take advantage of that effect So what I'm gonna point out real quick is


If you go into the comments of that specific picture that I just sent to you in the DMs, notice that she's replied to some of these people. So here's a cheat code that you can take advantage of, you're welcome. Feel free to abuse that one. If you swipe left on her comment specifically, not the people replying to her, just her comment.


it's going to show you three icons. So there's gonna be a plus sign. So when you tap on that, it's going to link that comment to your story. And you can basically proceed to make your own comment on your story about what whatever it is you're looking at. And the benefit from there comes in where this is basically a way to bypass the DMs where typically a DM, it'll be sent to you in your request folder.


if someone doesn't follow you already, right? Or if they're too far from your group of circle of people that you already know, but this way actually gets you a more direct access so that in the event that they do see it is going to automatically get you into their actual DMs. Okay. So that's usually the best way I would recommend to touch base with people.


sending DMs as is, you know, forget about it. Chances are it's going to end up in like their request folders. Definitely get to their comments, reply to some of the people that recently replied to them, if it's appropriate obviously, and then proceed to then tag them in your story with that comment that they've made under their own posts and then if they reply to that or if it shows it as seen, you can then proceed to get your pitch going on. Okay.


Definitely like a very useful tool that should not be slept on. Oh, okay. Like, let's see here. Let me go back to scrolling on that area. So what else we got going on here? Um, not a lot of guys for whatever reason I'm noticing like it's, it's, or does that do show up? They kind of look like fuckboys. I'm not going to lie. Oh, no offense. No offense boys. It's a.


It's a weird culture here. It's a lot of military and a lot of super, super like, um, like. Prad guys. So that demographic doesn't post a lot. The guys don't. I bet literally I just sent you a post. Like this is the only dude I've seen post up in here so far. This is so funny. Um, Oh, hey, someone has like a fish. It's like a fish post.


Interesting. This person seems more so that they're on vacation, but it just reminded me that fishing, technically, that's another aspect of gym culture you can take advantage of because fishing is a workout, man. So same process as before, just like, figure out like who the locals are in terms of like who's doing the fishing and you go and fish them out of whatever hole they're hiding in. You can kind of go from there.


This one, this one gives an influencer vibe lowkey too. So bookmark that just in case you never know. And definitely that one is like an influencer-y, sporty type of vibe as well that has been recently in the area that you pointed out. So that's like a lot of what I do to be honest comes down to that.


So now if I'm gonna do this specific account, what was her name again? Something, something. There you go. Uh, do you by chance happen to know who this is? I just sent you their account just now. Yeah, I know her. So if you want to kind of give me like a brief rundown of like how did, how they ended up on your feed and how do you know of them and you can kind of go from there.


Um, she does the Jojo poses. That's how I saw her. Like, um, it was probably two years ago when I saw her. Yep. Something like that. Sure. Yeah. It's interesting how like the Jojo poses, like even though I low-key forgot about it, when you pointed out, it immediately reminded me of like, oh yeah, I know exactly what made her blow up. Um, so brief kind of.


rundown in terms of like Instagram culture and really towards culture. Because what I'm noticing, especially on my end, like there's the surface level conversation that the post itself starts. And then there's the so-called meta conversation that the post itself kind of prompts the other people to start on their own. So the Jojo pose.


actually to for whatever reason I don't know if she's an actual Jojo fan or if she just kind of did it because it was funny but Regardless it actually helped her out a ton because the Jojo fan base Being nice to them. I'll say these are some of the most obsessed people that you'll ever see on the internet. Yeah We put it mildly. So This is definitely something you can


learn from to be honest from like a branding strategy is picking up on like a quirky thing that has social significance to a particular subculture or fandom and basically use that as like a your calling card it could be a catchphrase in our case she used a pose but literally whatever that you can use to kind of repeat over and over and over again so people kind of get in on the joke


That's going to be very helpful for you to be honest. So whatever that is, you know, figure that out. Okay. Cause cause that's where your stuff kind of is going to come in as like the whole brand creator founder thing is because because of the fact that having a brand is so impersonal, you kind of have to figure out a way to make it accessible and easy to reference to other people. So that's where.


I'd argue this girl really blew the fuck up because she just had this whole yo-yo thing and she just ran the fuck away with it. Mm-hmm. Yeah. To my knowledge, she doesn't do that stuff as much anymore, but to this day still though, she does a lot of anime references. So it's like this interesting cross-section. She's appealing to the gym people, the anime people.


to a certain degree, the people that just go on Instagram for thirst traps, because let's be honest here, these exist. Yeah. Instagram wouldn't be an app if we didn't have those classic thirst traps. So yeah, like these are what you would call her three core demographics, you know what I mean? So once you hone in on these three cores for yourself, it's gonna be a whole lot easier for you to.


double down and kind of go through the process of figuring out like, okay, this is what I'm going to do. And this is how I'm going to do it. And another thing I'll mention too, as well, like she, for whatever reason, seems to attract a lot of like military type of people. I don't know what that's about personally, but I do know that military folks typically tend to be into their workouts. And I'm going to send you an account that actually would be a pretty good fit.


Um, from like a brand awareness perspective, uh, this guy, he's like, he's the most military looking dude to have a military. It's not even being funny. Um, check out his profile real quick. Yeah. Like, like, like, like definitely he came out of the fucking military factory, but it's not even being funny. Um, but.


If you look at his account though, it's not that different from what she does, right? Like, it's a lot of like very like functional stuff. He has like white pictures. He has pictures of his watch that the time he woke up at and being outdoors and like, you know, fighting people like in martial arts club. So definitely kind of like take a look at both of those and kind of see the overlap. And that's really where.


That's the last section I would point out for that particular part. Oh, speaking of, remember what I just told you about how to connect with people with the story feature? Yeah. So like, as we were talking, I just did this. Hold on. Let me...


Let me send to you. So she just responded to that. Oh, wow. See what I mean? It's literally like, it's, it's a very, uh, and now officially I'm in her DM. So it's like, if I want to do a follow-up, I can, if I kind of want to feel I also can. But like little things like that, they really go a long way because people.


will not say it upfront, but they love attention, right? Like, and a very simple way to give people quick and easy attention is the stories, you know what I mean? Like just post up their stuff on your story, tag their comments in it, and make a comment that's relevant to what they're doing. And if they see it, they might respond. And actually the app itself, Instagram that is, it makes it a point to actually show it to you on your end.


even if you have like several dozens, if not several thousands of notifications. So if you're the kind of person that likes to check those out, it is going to show up first for you, you know what I mean? So more reasons for you to take advantage of it.


Um, actually, I'm gonna go ahead and DM her back right now. Give me one second. It's like she's, she's local to my area. So definitely I might set something up. Go for it. Okay, so that's gonna be like a case study for you as well. So basically, though, to what they just replied to me just now, I just said, yo, out of curiosity, do you attend any local skaters club? Um, and do you happen to know?


any in the local area that might be near my studio I work at because I'm looking to do some more shooting with the skaters this upcoming week. So literally that's it. Don't even need to say more. I mean, literally let it cook. If they respond, they respond. If they don't, it's also fine. It's really for me, the way I think of it. Instagram, what I like about that so much personally is that


It's literally a fucking free buffet in this bitch. Literally, if you get 10 no's or 100 no's, it doesn't really matter because you'll never really run out of people to ask around of, and it's free. Literally, you just get on there, tag people on something, and more than likely, they will see it. And from my personal experience, oh, there she goes. She just responded, there you go. So.


So little things like that, it really makes a ton of difference to be able to just like get local, get active, get involved in terms of what it is you do as a niche slash as a brand. Because for me, what I always do in the forefront is I always mention to people what it is I do within the first couple of sentences, not in the filmmaker type of way, more so like...


matter of fact, like, yo, like, I would want to do this because I do that, that kind of thing. You know what I mean? Yeah. Okay. So, so definitely keep that in mind as you're doing more and more of these.


I'm going to send her one more DM real quick. Give me one second. You're fine, no worries. OK, it's actually going to be like a further way to cement this whole idea of connecting with people thing. Let me see. I'm sure things are still on YouTube by now. So what I just did essentially, besides establishing contact with this person.


is establishing proximity with them as well in terms of like potential overlapping taste. So I'm going to send you a screenshot of like that interaction, which you can kind of have an idea of like what it is we just talked about. Okay.


So like, give me some like insights in terms of like what personally you think made them so willing to respond. Same location, same hobby.


You asked them a question. I don't know. Yeah, basically. And also like, um, the, the little subtle insert in there that I did with the skating thing. Um, when I said, uh, I've been in the music video too, you look kind of familiar. And the reason why I said that is because like, um, there's a lot of music videos that I'm aware of anyway, that actually features skaters and who knows, like, uh,


you might be available to do a project like that at some point. So again, early on, like plant those seeds of like trying to figure out like, is this someone you could actually do a collaboration with within the next two weeks to like two months, that type of thing, you know what I mean? Okay, yeah. So you basically just had a taste of like the real time pitching to be honest, but


It's like a soft pitch. It's not like a hardcore, yo, I'm a filmmaker, I'm looking to do a collaboration. No, no, no. It's more of like, yo, like, do you know people who do what you do? And do you know where they're at? And more importantly, have you done this kind of project before? And if they say yes to any of those, then I can follow up and then basically confirm from there. You know what I mean? For sure. So very useful. Oh.


Also, to be honest, like last couple of points I'm honing on is like the whole managing the content thing in terms of like once you get that reach because that's the part that I think that definitely loses people because it's one thing to get the reach but it's in order to capitalize on it. So I'm gonna show you some of my personal tricks that I've used. Also, personally


I highly recommend you actually try and reach out to them at some point when you're ready to do the whole branding thing because they're a fashion head. You can literally tell, they're all about the fashion side. But yeah, so I remember you were telling me that you found my post in the wild. Or rather, you found me in a post in the wild.


Could you give me some more background about that? Because like that sound surprises me to be honest. You're the last person I expected to see it. Yeah. I literally was just scrolling through the, um, the reels panel, not even on the explore page, but I was on the reels panel going through, um, and I was trying to look for specific content, you know, when you're scrolling and you like. Swipe quickly to get past things and stay on certain content.


And as I was doing that, I came across your post and then it tagged yourself.


This is cool, this is cool. I'm very curious as to why that ended up on your feed. Because you have a media slash photography type of account. The stuff I post on that one tends to be pretty hardcore, I'm not gonna lie, which is why that page is low key shadow ban. But even then, I got so good at what I do. I can basically bypass all of that by constantly rage baiting people or touch trapping people, one of the two.


But typically, yeah, like a lot of these posts, like what makes them do so well, to be honest, it's just like, it's an invitation for conflict. That's usually how I think about it. It's like, people who either want to prove me wrong about something or I'll give them the opportunity in some cases to prove me right, depending on what the topic is about. But yeah, that particular post, you know, like took me out for a loop, man,


I remember when I first dropped it, I didn't think much of it, but it's actually on track to be one of my most popular posts of the last two weeks, I think. Unless I checked into it, it already has a hundred something thousand views, and almost, what was it, like 400 hours of concurrent plays. And now that we're on that topic specifically, Reels, it's its own breed of things, but...


I kind of have my background on YouTube to thank for me being able to take advantage of it properly. So the way I think about it, it's supposed to be half like a billboard and also the other half like a TV channel, quite literally. Because the reason why people go on there is because they're either bored or they're looking for something specific to either get mad at.


or get thirsty for, that's usually one of the two, right? So that's where you kind of come in as someone who is hoping to catch their attention to kind of serve them something that will feed one of those two things. So now the real question is, now that you kind of have an idea of like your ideal pitch, your ideal, I'm assuming demographic, like what is it you're trying to do?


from the engagement side? Like, are you trying to be a place where people actively have discussions in your comments section or do you just want them to be like a one-stop shop in your, well, stop, right? I haven't thought that far. I preferably want it to help grow the gym community in Pensacola. Cause it's kind of like.


people won't really go to the gym together here. It's like, you'll maybe see a couple friends here and there together, but it's kind of like, it's not like other cities where you've got a culture around it. I kinda wanna grow that. But at the same time, I haven't thought about it that much. Yeah, because it does make a difference, by the way. Depending on how you engage with people, in the comments, it's going to make a difference of how easy they are to hook.


um potential ads in the future and that's how I think of it it's like all social media is at the end of the day it's a front for a product or service you eventually will advertise only friends models do it photographers do it marketers definitely do it and these mean pages do it as well so once you get really clear on that you can then proceed to figure out like


Are you more so trying to convert that audience that's already there on the front end into the back end? And honestly, but comments is actually a good way to do that because the way Instagram currently works, it definitely rewards the engagement that you do with the community in that sense. So that if someone sees a post that you've made and they like it, you can actually do a follow up post to that and expand on that and say,


Oh, since you like this so much, guess what? It's currently 50% off or whatever, and you can just tag them in there, and you can automatically post that and schedule that. So very useful to be able to do that all within one app. You know what I mean? So that the seamless nature of this whole thing, that's kind of what I like about it, is to be able to jump from thing to thing to things, and never really have any issue.


Another thing I'll point out as well too is that don't sleep on commenting on people's stuff because I'm going to send you a post I commented on like a while ago. Like I'm talking like at least a few months from the book summit. Like go check out how many likes it has. You should see it once you open it up.


Wow. So from your perspective, what do you think this is useful for? Like, what do I get out of this?


I mean, people could go to your page from that.


Anything else?


Also everyone that commented on it, you know that what they're interested in. Exactly. So honestly, besides the whole being recent thing, I'd argue that brain awareness actually, especially in this day and age, really boils down to showing up in the comment section and actually being part of the conversation in a way that's not intrusive because


Once you get good at that, I'm telling you, so much of the job becomes easier for you at a later point because again, going back to what I said earlier in terms of like, if people like something that you've posted and you can repost that as it's so real, you can actually take any comments from that same video that is not yours and repost that on your page and tag that person. So it's pretty cool. A lot of these tools.


A lot of these tools reward that incentive of trying to actively connect with people so that by the time that you do land that connection, it all works seamlessly. So very useful to think about. So if you have any, I'm assuming gym pages or sports pages, definitely keep that in mind. And the main one I would personally recommend is this app called...


They should have their page. They definitely have their page on here. I just sent it to you in the DMs. But yeah, this is an app that a lot of athletes use. So if you're someone who is a biker, a walker, a skater, whatever, you can actually go on there and log in and basically track your progress. That's what it's for. And there's a...


big community of people on that app. So this is literally, I'd argue, you can actually save yourself time after that by using this app as like a tool to have an idea of like what the locals are doing and then just literally follow their footsteps, like figure out like why they hang out at, what time they'd be going there, and you can in real time figure out like what they're up to, you know what I mean? Yeah.


So definitely don't sleep on that. And also it's really helpful from the sense of like building brain awareness thing as well, because now you're not just showing up as like yourself, you're actually showing up as like someone who is part of this in group of people who like to do the same thing that you're doing and you have something to show for it. So definitely recommend trying to check out like


who currently is running. Like I've been to Florida in 2017, so it's been a minute. But for what I remember, there's a lot of pretty dope locations people like to run at or skate at or bike at. So if you have either of those, definitely recommend giving that a shot. And also it just so happens that Strava shares the same orange branding that you're kinda going for. So...


I don't know. It feels like a win-win to me, to be honest. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. It's like, it's like, it's literally a treasure trove of like everything sports, everything athletes. And also one last cheat code I'm going to send your way to. Like, whenever, whenever you see a post...


that you personally would want to see more of on your brand page, you have the option to add them into like a specific list called the favorites list. What it's going to do for you on the feed is whatever they do post something, it's going to make sure to show up basically first. It's going to get ready on your feed so you don't even have to keep track of what people are doing.


feature for so that when you have it set up you can just get in there and real quick just figure out like okay this is person this is the kind of person I'm trying to keep up with okay because yeah a lot of it is a lot of it is really a game of like keeping up with what the people are currently doing and in and out it's literally I just personally my approach always has been like I get in and out like personally I just hate social media


As in, I don't like being on there just to do some scrolling. When I'm doing stuff like this, that's cool to me. It feels dope without wasting time or whatever. But as soon as I get into a phase of the app is trying to suck me back in with a touch map or some shit, I'm like, cool, it's time for me to dip out of here. So much of this app that I personally find toxic. It's just like...


You'll blink and it's been fucking six hours. And I hate it so much. Yeah. It's really bad. So this is what that feature I just said definitely comes in. So you can get more specific with the kind of accounts you're trying to keep tabs on, or better yet, you can actually use that as a complement of the Obsidian app.


I just told you about way earlier, because a lot of what you can do basically is just that in conjunction with that one, so that whenever you want to see what they've been posting in the last, I don't know, several days or so, you can just do that. But the key here is to really keep it conservative, you know, don't go OD with it. At most, I'd say, especially starting out, five accounts is fine. You don't need to know anymore than that.


Once you kind of have like the reps in, you kind of have an idea of like what the people in the particular community you're trying to tap into or currently up to, you can kind of proceed from there and figure that out, you know, so that should be really helpful on that front. Another thing I'll mention as well is from your end now to really put all of these into actionable


of steps to kind of get the modeling for you. You really, you're really gonna need to start doing it's called UGC. You know what that is by chance? User generated content? Yep. So UGC, you know, it's one of those things that again, they make it sound technical, but all it really is, is just showing people who you are, what you do, and what you're


currently up to specifically, right? So in your case, you know, you're a brand founder targeting, you know, people that are into gym wear or fashion wear, I mean, gym culture in general. And yeah, you can use that as a way to really let people enter the world that you're trying to build here because this, the logo, for example, assuming that you've recorded the process of you designing it,


You can literally go, hey, come with me for the next 60 seconds to go through the process of me refining the logo and tell me if you like it or not. And you can then proceed to show a thought of yourself, not literally doing it in the time, in the real time. What I do, to be honest, I cheat a lot, because I'm lazy like that. There's a post I made a while ago, just to experiment.


uh let's see is it that one and there you go so i just went to this random location that one night and i shot that with my camera and i was like okay i kind of dig this whole aesthetic so i'm just gonna keep it so if i wanted to i could use that to basically market myself or what i'm doing i could say hey here's how i set up that shot or here's how i


edited that shot or here's what I did for the color grading, so on and so forth. All these things are all stuff that not only lets people end to what you're currently doing, but it further serves your niche specifically in terms of who you're targeting because it's really useful at a glance for people to have an idea of like, oh, okay, like you're someone who does camera, you kind of like to move around and you're not happy with your stuff. So.


Similarly to you, to be honest, is to be able to... Within the first, I'd say, like, three to five seconds, let people know, like, what you got going on, and spam that over and over again. And that's really the one downside, unfortunately, of, like, the current phase you currently at. Because what you're doing is so new, you're gonna need to basically be spamming with it. So my best recommendation of the...


will be, first of all, don't even think about posting right now. Give yourself at least a week to even two weeks buffer of doing nothing but recording stuff for five to ten seconds at a time. You don't need to go crazy with it. So once you do that, you can basically compile all of them. Compile all of it into a folder and you can separate it into different days if you want.


But personally, the way I kind of go about it is I have different folders for different topics. So if I have a folder, say to advertise a project I'm currently doing, I actually can do that with this example that I should have. There you go. So this is a post that I had locked up like for a while now. I think it took me like during this whole thing, like less than


five minutes to shoot and set up with my phone. But then by the time I was like, good to go, I was like, okay, cool. I'm just gonna go in there, tag her in the stuff, put her in the collaborator posts. And when I do edit the video itself, I can just, you know, put that in there and just showcase it. So that's where that stuff gets really useful because it's gonna basically build


a habit, not only for you, but also a habit for the people that perhaps might have an interest into what you're doing, so that when they see you for the first time, they might come back again. Another cheat code, to be honest, now that we're on the topic of like, you GC specifically, assuming you're someone who is really gonna try and show a lot of the behind the scenes of what you're doing, I would highly recommend you spend some time.


investing into the covers of your reels because that's another layer of how you can take advantage of it. Personally, what I found is that the way people use Instagram now definitely has changed. It used to be that people were kind of scrolling just to scroll but sometimes people will unironically go to someone's page specifically to try and find something. So let's say for example, you have different types of G-Models.


Like you have like a bra versus like, I don't know, like a sports or like a legging or something. What you can do, you can basically label on the cover what it is you're talking about. So that if the person wants to see more of your stuff, it's already all there for them to take a look at. I would have to go and dig specifically why the counts are doing this. Cause you know, a lot of them are better at this than me, but the principles stays the same. It's just like.


really at a glance giving them the options to browse around so they don't have to blindly guess which video is going to be about what specifically, you know? Yeah, okay. And also it's going to be another further way for you to shine too in terms of brand awareness because once you use a particular image as a cover, you can then use that as a way to further consolidate the brand identity of your page. I know some pages, they do this thing where they have like a grid.


set up where essentially all the posts add up to like one big post. Yeah. Should have said this before. So that if you want, but the most simple way I think about it is like, yeah, like just, um, labeling things so that at a glance people can tell what they're about to watch or what they've just watched. If they go to your actual profile. Um, cause Instagram shows that when you've seen someone's stuff for the first time, it's kind of put it as like seen.


And you can kind of educate them, oh, okay, there's more where that came from. So to definitely invest that like two weeks or that first week to kind of like document just stuff that you do on a regular basis. And then once it's time for you to actually put that stuff out there, you can just like go up in there and just do nothing but post and not have to think about it too hard.


Yeah, okay. So any, any questions? Cause honestly, we've basically covered the fatality of it. I don't think I have any questions. Um, just the strand, some of the strategies I've never heard before. So that's very helpful. Yeah, you're welcome. And happy to help, uh, uh, help me out. Um, still here's a, here's a homework for you. So when, uh,


When you check back in, I'm assuming in a few days or something, definitely have that Facebook page set up. And at the very least, have some starter videos set up for the actual website, because you already have the domain anyway. So apply that same UGC principle I just told you about. And since you have cameras, you can actually take advantage of it.


You can do time lapse type of shots, or you can do even, I don't know what to call these, but basically shots that fade between each other so that it shows a process of time going back kind of thing. Yeah, stop motion type. Yeah, basically, but a little more slow than that, though. But basically, on the website, assuming


be your landing page. It would be basically like a big spread of like 16 by 9. That shows you at your desk doing your thing and for the brand or whatever. And then each time the photo fades in and out, it shows more and more of like the behind the scenes of that in the meantime. That should be pretty easy to set up off the bat. And also, it could actually be.


a dope way to actually do some stuff of the bat for you UGC wise, because you could say, hey, I just launched this brand and come with me with the process of trying to set up the website and try not to make stuff for it or the design for it. Because all of that stuff sounds very small and insignificant, but I'm telling you, for whatever reason, people love to see the behind the scenes of the stuff that you.


do as a creator slash founder. So the more you can give them a taste of that, the better. Because that's what makes you relatable. That's what makes you accessible. Because people don't want to shop from troll, like faceless brands anymore for better hours. And lastly, speaking of homework,


There's this video I would highly, highly recommend you watch. It's on YouTube. I'm going to send you a link in a second, but it's really going to give you an idea of how to further consolidate your video presence and combine that with your more marketing kind of presence. Because once you really get that ball rolling, you know, it's really going to be all the better for you. And bonus points, it's actually about an athlete. So.


Literally is like the same niche that you're trying to go for. So go watch that, get some ideas from that. And I'm not even joking. Whatever you see in there that you find interesting, make a note of it and literally copy that shit. I am not joking. Okay. Cause like, cause like I'm telling you man, this, this online game stuff, it's all a game of copycat anyway.


No one is doing anything new. So for starters, don't put any pressure on yourself whatsoever to try and be original. Because no one is to begin with, right? So what you can do though is take what's already working and put your own sauce on it and just keep doing that. And it's gonna come down to a game of volume. Once you have like the volume going in, I'm assuming by the time you start posting two weeks or so from now.


is gonna give you enough runway by, I'd say, mid-July for you to, like, really get in there to post at least, like, three times a day so that people can kind of see, like, okay, he's watching that going on. And if you do it correctly, I would not be surprised if you actually reach 10K within the first, like, two months, to be honest. Because, like, here's the thing. For me, like, if I wanted to, I could have been, like, I could have put, like, an influencer, but I just, it's just not my vibe.


I don't personally I don't like being perceived that's not my vibe but I do recognize though that for the people that this works for this actually is a very easy way to build brand awareness some of these accounts it's actually so funny I mean this girl has heard you there you go so this girl I remember when I first saw her


I'm talking like at most I think she had like 20k or some shit But but like her stuff is literally so I'm not gonna say simple But like the idea here is that like I promise you none of these she just recorded the day of like she doesn't do that What she's doing She's basically going about her day just recording shit doing whatever she's doing and then yeah when it's time for her to post she just posts


So she has like... Currently she only has 7... Oh nevermind. The grid post on me has 7 but the reels themselves, like she has like dozens of this shit. So that's what I mean with the whole volume thing. Once you get the volume down pat, you can basically use that to your advantage and really set yourself up so that more people know about you.


SEO, keyword things. These are useful and they help, but the real name of the game right now is that consistency of like what I like to call video identity because whatever it is that Instagram has on the back end and that applies for any platforms by the way, like it picks up on what you're actually doing in the actual video itself to the point where there are machine learning tools that are designed specifically.


to pick up on things that show up on the screen. So that like, if you're in the gym, for example, and a gym brand shows up with some shape, it's gonna pick up on that and say, oh, okay, so this is gym content. I'm gonna put you as gym content, literally does all of that for you. Okay. So all of that stuff, definitely keep in mind and don't sleep on. And yeah, if you have any questions in between the process, obviously I'm a resource for you to hit me up and holler at me.


But in the meantime, definitely I'm telling you man, like get savvy about the whole talking to locals things. Because the locals is really gonna make or break that brand that you're trying to launch. Because if you have people, if you have at least I'd say 10 people co-signing you off the bat, you basically have a good runway to start off. Because now you basically have a way to show proof of identity and say,


I'm not just some unknown brand. I've been in this for a minute. I just not have been posting for a while. You know what I mean? Okay. So, so find, find those 10 solid people. Be, I'd say consistent with them, be active in what they're doing. And when it's time for you to launch the brand, yeah, literally like the day of launch or whatever you choose to, for that to be for the brand itself.


coordinate between these 10 people so that within the same, I'd say, 10 days or so, you just post all of them NLO, literally. So it's going to be first person, you tag them, post them, rest and repeat. So by the time you actually get to the 10th person, you can hopefully catch the attention of the right people that like what you're doing. That's personally how I would do it anyway, if I was in your shoes personally. Okay.


Okay. So yeah, like, so with that said, yeah, that's basically it. I'm going to send you the totality of the transcript for that. And I'm also going to include that into the PDF as well. So you can kind of have a look at it. But yeah, like, basically. I just gave you like, what's the equivalent of like an entire like, four semester college session here. So hopefully you took some helpful tips from them.


It is super helpful. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your time, especially, you know, it's it's a lot. Thank you. Yeah, man. You're welcome. And also, by the way, I noticed that you're also active on Twitter. So now that we own that note, I don't know what you use Twitter for. Personally, I just go on that to ship posts at this point just to kind of like get the edge off. But if you for any reason notice that like Twitter is like eating up your time,


I mean, I'm assuming you have like a, what's the thing called again? The screen time feature. Yeah. If you go into your screen time feature and Twitter eats up more than two hours of your time, I'm dead ass serious. Get rid of it. Not even joking. Cause like, cause like Twitter is one of those places when it's really good at like eating you up and making you feel like you're doing something when you really don't. Um, and also.


And also Twitter is high-key a fucking dying platform. For me though, it's working from what I'm doing because I showed you the behind the scenes already. So I can't have a use for Twitter, but for you specifically, if you can be on Twitter for anything, the one thing I will say for you to be on there for is to start a brand account specifically for your brand and then only follow people on there that...


are actively posting about gym content as a starters. In the meantime of you, I don't know, trying to set up the funnel, set up the website and all that stuff. Cause I'm telling you, Twitter at least, credit where it's due, when people engage on that site, it's actually really good engagement across the board. I feel like that's really the selling point of the app itself. But unfortunately though,


It's such a cesspool now of engagement farming and just bullshit groups in general that personally I just don't find the time or care to spend the time and also these fucking spaces to look, you piss me off because like people will be on there like 10-12 hours a day and I'm like bro what the fuck do you think you're doing? Live there, I don't know how they have that much time You know what it is to be honest, between you and me I really think that unfortunately


Um, once you get used to this idea of productivity, of like being busy just for the sake of being busy, you think that being on a Twitter space means you're actually being busy in a good way when the entire time, all the stuff that you would need to take care of on a done, you know, you don't have a brand built up. We don't have content set up and you definitely don't have a fucking funnel set up as well for your website. So all of these people that go there.


trying to advertise to an audience literally do the entire thing wrong because I would understand if they at least had some place to funnel people back to but they don't even do that they just go in there to hang out so I'm like bro you're literally fucking yourself up big time by doing this so in your case whatever time you can spend in between all the stuff we've talked about so far


I would honestly highly recommend to spend that time to set up a YouTube channel specifically for yourself as like the brand founder and just post about what you're doing on YouTube. I'm telling you it's going to be very beneficial. And if you need some tips on like how to quote unquote hack YouTube, happy to hook you up. Like I literally know YouTube like it's no one else's business. So definitely consider starting out with like.


short form first as opposed to long form but then eventually like convert that into long form when you're ready to advertise like your brand on there proper because fashion is really big on YouTube still to this day so definitely it's a place worth investing in. Yeah okay.


Okay, the homework. Yeah, it is a lot of homework. But like I said, you know, I give you a fair warning, man. You know, I was not about to fucking half ass any of this shit. Like you said, you were trying to build a brain. Well, congratulations. You have the tools, you have the tips, you have the alpha. Now it's all down to execution. Yeah, for sure. Okay, catch you around and we'll stay in touch. Yeah, thank you. All right. See you. Bye.

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