[WP:15]The Impact of AI and CHAT-GPT & Other LLMs on Mainstream Users
Contextual Analysis of AI's Impact on the Global Population
Table of contents
• Impact of GPT-3 chatbots on mainstream users
• Impact of AI on non-tech savvy population
• Empowering the most vulnerable and disenfranchised communities
AI, CHAT-GPT and the deluge of plugins developers around the world created to enable the user to interact with this revolutionary tech has dominated the headlines.
From TikTok, to YouTube, to Podcasts everyone seemingly is discussing these topics, as they should. We’re headed into unknown territories where every inhabitants of planet earth deserve a seat at the table. The very foundation of our understanding of living in the Information Age is about to change rapidly.
As much as experts pride themselves on being tech-savvy and literate on how these new tools function, how many of them have truly comprehended its impact? And more importantly, can they reliably advocate for the end users in the midst of this chaotic gold rush?
Let’s explore how LLMs (Large Language Models) and AI are drastically changing how we function in various industries, the impact on the mainstream and non-tech-savvy population, and the need for empowering vulnerable communities. And more importantly, what can we do as a collective to organize, educate and advocate during the transitional period in which AI will increase in capabilities? How can we ensure the folks who did not sign up for this radical new way of living can make sense of and keep pace with the latest of these technological leaps?
The Cr[AI]tive Revolution, a video documentary discussing AI
What is CHAT-GPT and AI?
Let’s refrain from the usual noise, fluff talk about CHAT-GPT and the hype it has caused in the tech market. CHAT-GPT, (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) which is itself a derivative of GPT-3 is a pre-trained language model which utilizes machine learning techniques to produce human-like text.
And Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the intelligence demonstrated by machines, unlike the natural intelligence displayed by humans and animals. Another aspect that encompasses AI is AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) and as the name might imply, is capable of executing tasks across a wide range of disciplines.
AI clearly has potential to improve domains like healthcare, transportation, communication and more, as it can process information faster and more accurately than humans. CHAT-GPT, the the chatbot, on the other hand, has revolutionized the customer service sector, providing businesses with cost-effective solutions and users to interact with these tools using simple text prompts.
However, the impact of these technologies on mainstream users and non-tech-savvy populations is a topic we should all be cautious about. Here’s an example of a viral video with over 10 000 000 views featuring CHAT-GPT being used to respond a work email, emphasizing the sender cannot continue working because they are:
“Sad and poor…”
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This brings us to the need to understand the implications of these technologies on absurdly large amount of industries that affect society as we know it, particularly the most vulnerable communities.
Impact of GPT-3 chatbots on mainstream users
Unlike the personal computer revolution in the 1980s or the emergence of the first iPhone, GPT-3, LLMs, the chatbots and applications powered by them are taking over the world in a way we couldn’t quite anticipate or prepare for. Which is why notable figures such as Max Tegmark, Steve Wozniak, and Bill Gates (Swedish-American physicist & machine learning researcher, American electronics engineer & computer programmer, American co-founder of software giant Microsoft respectively) have signed an open letter to various tech industries to pause their exponential progress in the AI research department to ensure we have enough buffer & time to catch up.
Anyone can use these tools. And the responses provided are astonishingly accurate at times, and provide an almost human-like intelligence, these bots are transforming the way we communicate. It’s delivering on the promise of a personal assistant, available any time, with expertise on anything, the likes of what Apple’s Siri once attempted and failed to do or the fictitious intelligent copilot JARVIS from Marvel’s Iron Man, accessible at your fingertips.
A demonstration of CHAT-GPT
As demonstrated, these tools are very convenient, but let's not forget the potential repercussions. White-collar and Blue-collear workers alike, are wondering if these bots can do their jobs faster and better than they ever could.
AI is no longer a far-fetched Sci-Fi concept like the movies iRobot or Ex Machina depicted. It's here and it's shaking the very foundations of the traditional job market. We have the right to transparency in terms of how these tools are built, and what are the limits of their potential.
Videos depicting the portrayal of AI in popular Sci-Fi Films
In its current stage, AI still lacks the human touch. It's incapable of understanding the nuance of human emotion, humour, and empathy. Not to mention, its training and development still requires a team of skilled programmers. The fact that these tools are evolving extremely fast though should not be ignored.
Impact of AI on non-tech savvy population
Artificial Intelligence has the power to revolutionize the way we live and work, but its benefits are not distributed equally. The non-tech savvy population is at risk of being left behind as the Digital Divide between the haves and have-nots gets wider. Access to information is a fundamental right that shouldn't be reserved only for those who understand the intricacies of coding.
The average person shouldn't have to worry about their personal and private information being compromised every time they go online. These are just some of the issues that need to be tackled to make sure everyone can benefit from AI.
It's easy to assume everyone has access to the internet and understands the necessary technical skills to navigate it. However, that's not the case. The Digital Divide is a real issue, with those in lower socio-economic brackets being the ones who suffer the most. They are less likely to have access to technology and high-speed internet, which only perpetuates the cycle of inequality. Misuse of personal and private information is a real concern, and without proper regulation, it could lead to disastrous consequences.
Non-tech savvy people are prime targets for those who want to take advantage of them. A lack of understanding often leaves them vulnerable and unprotected online. We need to prioritize education and literacy regarding AI and its implications to ensure everyone can benefit from it. We also need to ensure that the regulatory mechanism is in place to protect against potential abuses.
The disenfranchised must receive access to the same information as the top 1% corporations and individuals. After all, AI has the capacity to empower all of us, not just those who are experts in coding.
Implications on various industries
The impact of AI and GPT-3 chatbots on various industries is massive. From revolutionizing customer service to automating repetitive tasks, the implications for businesses and their bottom lines are significant. Companies can now focus their attention on more valuable tasks while leaving menial obligations to the machines.
Customer service can become real-time and personalized while providing context sensitive information near instantly. Moreover, with AI, repetitive tasks that require significant attention to detail can become automated, minimizing errors and increasing accuracy. Industries can now optimize their work processes, making them more efficient.
Already, the music industry for example is experiencing a radical shift. In response to the AI Drake Ft The Weeknd Controversy, Grimes took to Twitter to announce her support of the new technology.
Grimes announcing a royalty split with musicians using her voice
Some of the responses to Grimes endorsing a $10 000 Music Contest using her voice with AI Generative tools
Los Angeles based producer, Kito, showcases a rendition of a song using the voice of Grimes with AI generative tools and the community response
For as life changing and exciting these latest developments might be, the direct impact will be felt in the various industry workforce, to gig workers, and freelancers. Already we’re seeing WGA rise in response and started to strike just to draw attention to the fact that writers will be one of the first to be affected by this.
Yes AI opens up the doors to more exciting and creative tasks. However, these advancements come at a cost. Automated industry potentially results in many job losses. These job losses have an adverse effect on families already suffering from economic hardship. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the impact that AI will have on society as a whole. These considerations must include the economic welfare of all involved.
Implications on law
Lawmakers are facing significant challenges in regulating the AI industry as its potential applications continue to grow. The legal challenges of AI include issues surrounding intellectual property, data privacy, and autonomous decision-making.
Regulating AI and GPT-3 powered plugins and chatbots can also pose a challenge, as they are constantly evolving technologies that push the boundaries of existing legal and ethical frameworks. It is crucial for policymakers to work with industry experts to create new regulations that balance innovation and safety, ensuring the full potential of AI is realized without compromising on security and privacy.
Empowering the most vulnerable and disenfranchised communities
When it comes to AI and GPT-3 chatbots, it's easy to get lost in discussions on highly technical nuances. However, it's essential to focus on the bigger picture. While these technologies undoubtedly offer significant benefits, we must ensure that we consider everyone in the equation. It is imperative to prioritize inclusivity and consider the potential digital divide that could emerge.
Educational and legal reforms are necessary to ensure that AI technology becomes more accessible to vulnerable communities. An understanding of AI and its implications is essential for this purpose. We need to equip everyone with appropriate AI literacy to bridge the digital divide. The potential benefits of AI and GPT-3 chatbots cannot be overstated. Still, we must ensure that we're putting the needs of the vulnerable and disenfranchised first.
The AI race has officially begun, it is crucial to understand the implications and impact they have on our society. While the benefits to industries and tech-savvy individuals are clear, we cannot ignore the effects they can have on the vulnerable and disenfranchised communities.
As we move towards a future that is increasingly reliant and integrated with AI, it is imperative that educational and legal reforms are put in place to ensure inclusivity for all.
We need to prioritize understanding and AI literacy as well as regulation to address security and privacy issues. The priority should be empowerment, not overhype and profits. The youth in particular will be the most affect, let’s ensure we build proper safety nets so that they can carry the torch and achieve the next leap in mankind’s advancements.